
作者: 时间:2011-11-11


答: 万一发生这些烫伤,首先不要惊慌,也不要急于脱掉贴身单薄的诸如汗衫、丝袜之类衣服,应迅即用冷水冲洗。等冷却后才可小心地将贴身衣服脱去,以免撕破烫伤后形成的水泡。冷水冲洗的目的是止痛、减少渗出和肿胀,从而避免或减少水泡形成。冲洗时间约半小时以上,以停止冲洗时不感到疼痛为止。一般水温约20℃左右即可。切忌用冰水,以免冻伤。如果烫伤在手指,也可用冷水浸浴。面部等不能冲洗或浸浴的部位可用冷敷。冷水处理后把创面拭干,然后薄薄地涂些蓝油烃、绿药膏等油膏类药物,再适当包扎1~2天,以防止起水泡。但面部只能暴露,不必包扎。如有水泡形成可用消毒针筒抽吸或剪个小孔放出水液即可;如水泡已破则用消毒棉球拭干,以保持干燥,不能使水液积聚成块。如烫伤1~2个手指也可用简单的方法——浸入酱油内,即用一小杯酱油将手指侵入,约半小时即可止痛,且不起水泡。烫伤后切忌用紫药水或红汞涂搽,以免影响观察伤后创面的变化。大面积或严重的烫伤经家庭一般紧急护理后应立即送医院。 
In case these burns, first of all, do not panic, do not rush to close off the thin, such as a T-shirt, stockings and the like clothing, should be immediately rinse with cold water. After cooling, and so on in order to carefully take off his clothes next to the skin so as not to tear burns after the formation of blisters. The purpose of cold water washing is the pain, reducing swelling and effusion, in order to avoid or reduce the formation of blisters. Rinse for about half an hour or more to stop flushing when they do not feel pain so far. In general about the water temperature to about 20 ℃. Avoid using ice water in order to avoid frostbite. If you burn the fingers, cold water bath is also available. Such as facial flushing or not the site can be used cold water bath. To deal with cold water after drying wound, and then to a thin coating of oil hydrocarbon some blue, green and cream ointment, such as drugs, proper dressing 1 to 2 days in order to prevent blisters. However, only the face exposed, do not have dressing. If blisters form can be sterilized needle aspiration or cut a small hole to release water to liquid; such as the blisters have been broken by then disinfected drying cotton balls to keep dry and liquid water can not accumulate into a block. If the burn from 1 to 2 fingers can also be the simplest way - immersed in soy sauce, or use a small cup of soy sauce will be invasive finger, about half an hour to pain, blisters and do not. After the burn should not use or mercurochrome Tucha Ziyao Shui, so as not to observe the effects of the wound after injury. A large area or serious burns by the family in general emergency care should be immediately sent to hospital.
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