
作者: 时间:2011-08-07
捞鱼  暑假已经来了,爸爸说要带我们去捞鱼。我还从来没有捞过鱼呢,心里好高兴啊,我们拿上所有的必备品,骑上单车兴奋的出发了。一路上有说有笑,并不觉得路远,不知不觉中,离市区已经很远了。忽然,眼前出现了大片的玉米地,呀,我们怎么到田间地头了,穿过玉米地,就到环城河了,它是一项利民工程。河面好宽呀,足有百米左右。我们沿着斜坡溜到河边,这有好多的鱼呀,我激动地喊了起来,走进河里去抓鱼,但那鱼儿好聪明。我忙活了半天,一条鱼也没有抓到。心里不免懊恼,爸爸在旁边看着我,笑着说,别着急,看我的,说着,他拿起渔网,然后放上鱼饵,往河里使劲的一仍,网就稳稳的沉了下去,我们坐下来慢慢的等。一阵微风吹过河面,我的心也渐渐的平静下来。大约过了十几分钟,我们提绳拉网,天呀,网里有好多的鱼呀,我赶紧把鱼放进桶里,看着这些活蹦乱跳的小鱼,我高兴极了,不到半天的功夫,已经捞了不少的小鱼小虾了。傍晚时,我们已是满载而归。这次游玩,让我长了不少的见识,也学到了很多东西,我想,不管做什么,都要保持心情愉快,那样我们的生活才会更加美好。
  take     The summer vacation has already started. My father said us go to catch fish. I’ve never catch fish. How happy in my mind. We ride bikes set out excitedly, with all the necessaries. We had laughs and conversation on the way. We not fell so far. Far away from the city. All of a sudden. There is a lot of corn field in front of us. Oh my god! How could we get to the corn field? We just got to a round the city water system. It is good project for the public. How wide is it? It’s about one hundred meters. We slide along the slope. Down to the rive side. There are many fishes here. I shouted excited. I walk in to the river go to catch fish. But the fish is so smart. I do finitely catch it. But I don’t know how it sneaks away. I ‘m busy for a while, I can’t catch a fish. I’m very angry. My father looked me by my side. Said smile don’t worry. Look at me. I saw my father picks up the net, and put some baits in to the net. Then throw it in to the water hardly.  The net sinks slowly. We just set down and wait for the fish. There is a gust of wind. I looked at the river. My mind is quiet a lot slowly. After ten minutes. Pull the rope up. Oh my gold. There are a lot of fishes in the net. I hurry up go to carry the bucket. Take the net in to the river. Past half of day. We had already catch a lot of fishes and shrimp happily. Now it is evening. We’ll go back home. This experience let me get a lot of something. I thought whatever what you want. All you need to do is keep happy. Then our life would be great..
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